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This is the last thing that dangerous criminal hackers want you to know.

It's the hacker's guide to avoiding compromise.

Despite our best efforts trying to demonstrate the real threats that the modern cyber criminals pose, business owners continue to underestimate. As a result, we hear about hacking, ransom threats, spoofing, phishing and more attacks on honest, hardworking businesses every month.

When a picture speaks a thousand words, we’ve gone a step further with a series of videos.

We enlisted the help of a certified ethical hacker to illustrate just how easily a dangerous person with the correct tools can ruin a business in a few minutes.

With the availability of automated tools, criminals are able to target victims around the clock, stealing valuable data, logins and even holding businesses to ransom.

As you will see in these videos, our cyber security partner will use three of the most common methods used by hackers in the world today. He’s filmed from his side, and the side of his fictional victim, so that you can see, in real time, exactly what happens and how powerless the victim is once they’ve been selected.

Using the first method, our security partner encrypts the victim’s data. Once an attack is launched, he is in a position to demand a ransom be paid before he allows business to resume.


In this second method, our security partner designs a convincing fake login portal to trick employees into giving away login details. This can also be applied to accounting staff to make payments – the real kicker? If the payments have been made willingly, there is absolutely no recourse and a devastating amount of cash is gone for good.


And in this third and final attack, the ethical hacker reveals the reason we are always badgering users to keep software and operating system fully-up-to-date. You may as well open the door and invite them in for a cup of tea!


Terrifying, right? Sadly we hear about this happening all over the country, and when new clients come to our door with problems this bad, the damage has already been done. The lesson to be learnt is that PREVENTION is always better can a cure.

Now I have three questions for you:

  1. Do you understand how easy it is for a determined criminal to infiltrate your IT systems?
  1. Are you confident that your business has the right blend of software, staff training and processes to realistically protect your IT and data?
  1. If you’d like to get an impartial review, would you? The peace of mind you’ll feel from an impartial professional will be worth it in itself.

Book a call with Jon, our Managing Director, at a time that suits you. There’s no obligation to buy anything, ever. Just book a call appointment into Jon’s live calendar:

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