Hybrid Working and Ensuring Home Setup Protection

There’s no refuting the pivot to hybrid working models. This brings both immense adaptability and distinct challenges. When part of your team is making deals on Microsoft Teams in their pyjamas while another is at the office desk, the spotlight shifts to one essential factor: security. With hybrid working not just being a trend but the ‘new normal’, how do we ensure we’re not overlooking the safeguarding issues that allowing your business into employee’s homes could bring?

Security Challenges in Hybrid Work Models

The office based business model has transitioned to a more versatile framework where the couch might very well be the new office chair. Yet, fresh insights suggest a notable blind spot – the sanctity of home office security.

Recent data highlights that cyber offenders are eyeing the unsuspecting remote worker. When home networks might not have the armoured shield like office setups, the onus is increasingly on businesses,  to broaden security blueprints, embracing any place as an office space. After all, no one invited cyber intruders to the home-office soirée, did they?

Home Office Security 101

Before we venture into the tech woods, let’s map out the essentials. Here’s the security starter pack every remote professional should consider:

Authorised Wi-Fi Network: Ensure your Wi-Fi has the right protective layers. Unsure about WPA3 security? Crosstek is here to help! Oh, and don’t forget those password refreshes.
VPN Implementation: A VPN isn’t just tech lingo; it’s a protective tunnel for your data, especially vital when you need to use important and highly sensitive business data.
Multi-layered Authentication: It’s all about keeping unwelcome guests out. Remember, doubling up on security checks is twice as nice!

Elevated Protection for Those Who Seek More

For enterprises eyeing a notch higher in security or perhaps those feeling a tad adventurous:

Endpoint Safety Nets: Think of this as your device’s personal bodyguard.
Timely Tech Refreshes: Keeping software and apps updated isn’t just about new features; it’s a security blanket.
Staff Enlightenment: Routine security drills and sessions can arm your team with the know-how to dodge digital pitfalls.

For the leaders at the helm, particularly those sans an IT wing, it’s time for action. These protective layers may appear intricate at the outset, but the goal is straightforward: instil a safety-first ethos company-wide. Dive into our free training resources on the Learning Hub. The Crosstek team is always ready to assist in reinforcing your hybrid work defences.