Human Error: An often underrated cybersecurity hazard

Even the most tech-savvy individuals are not immune to making mistakes. When it comes to cybersecurity, human error is often a silent threat. Each individual who is connected to your company’s network is an ‘endpoint user’, and each of them can inadvertently become a gateway for security breaches.

The effects of skipping regular training

Foregoing regular cybersecurity training for staff can lead to:

Empowering Your Team with Training and Awareness

Educating your team is crucial. It not only improves their knowledge but also fortifies your organisation’s defenses against cyber threats. Conduct regular training sessions to keep your team updated on the latest cybersecurity threats and best practices. This keeps them vigilant and well-prepared.

Execute Simulated Phishing Exercises

Simulated phishing exercises are effective in training staff on how to recognise phishing emails. Through these simulations, employees can learn from practical experience in a controlled environment. While you’re organising a simulation, or enlisting the help of someone who will do that for you, equip your team to spot fake emails and web pages. The biggest things to watch for include:

Establish Robust Password Policies

Mandate the usage of strong passwords and ensure they are secured correctly (not on post-it notes or in a jotter in a desk drawer!). Encourage the implementation of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for an essential added layer of security.

Maintain Up-to-Date Systems

Regularly updating systems and software with the latest security fixed is absolutely necessary in safeguarding against known and unknown vulnerabilities. Don’t hit snooze on updates!

Kick-Start with Our Complimentary Guide

A critical first step is to download our complimentary guide which offers an extensive framework for evaluating your security status, understanding risks, and formulating a training strategy.

For additional insights on cybersecurity, explore our array of cyber security resources or get in touch with us by booking a call on the link below.