Wondering what Cyber Essentials is all about?

As the digital realm shifts and industry benchmarks grow, ensuring your business’s cyber safety is paramount. The UK government’s Cyber Essentials initiative is a golden seal of approval, showcasing your business’s commitment to digital safety. It’s not just a badge; it’s a promise of trust and reliability in the digital realm.

For businesses that are ready to begin exploring the Cyber Essentials scheme, we’ve prepared this article to kick-start your learning with its potential perks for your enterprise, and how to gear up for the accreditation.

Does my SMEs need Cyber Essentials?

While Cyber Essentials isn’t a one-size-fits-all requirement for UK SMEs, it’s a game-changer for those vying for government contracts. In sectors where data privacy is critical – think law, healthcare, finance – this accreditation is your SME’s digital handshake, a symbol of cybersecurity commitment.

Small business, think big!

Size doesn’t dictate security. Small enterprises, though seemingly insignificant, are tempting targets for scammers because there can be a degree of “oh, they won’t bother with little old us” complacency, but with Cyber Essentials, every team, be it large or petite, is equipped to fend off cyber predators. Think of it as arming your virtual house with top-tier alarms, allowing you to manage business without the added stress of cyber threats.

The Price Point

Quality often has a price tag. So, how deep do you need to dig into your pockets for Cyber Essentials? In 2023, certification itself can be as little as £300 – less than what you’d spend on a year’s worth of fancy lattes! Costs vary with the scale of your operations and potential IT enhancements that will be necessary to pass your Cyber Essentials audit. Plan ahead, and factor in every penny.

Hit a Bump with Your Assessment?

An initial setback isn’t the end. It can be demoralising but if you stumble during your assessment, it’s a detour to accreditation rather than a stop sign. If you feel a bit out of your depth, or perhaps you simply cannot give the project the time and attention it demands, don’t fret! The Crosstek team is on standby to whisk those worries away and get you across the line.

Entrust Your Accreditation with Crosstek

Got a resident cyber guru? If they have both the know-how and time, Crosstek can support them! We’ve charted out the accreditation course, guiding you from cyber novice to expert. Get in touch with our team today for more information.

Pass the Baton to the Pros

If outsourcing is more your style, letting an expert hand like Crosstek take charge is a smart move. It frees up your internal resources, to focus on business critical matters, or save you the effort of doing a deep dive on the necessary preparatory steps. Our bespoke strategies cater to your business’ specific needs, ensuring the accreditation voyage is smooth and swift.

So, where’s do you start on the road to Cyber Essentials?

Before sprinting ahead, understanding the cyber playground is crucial. Crosstek can craft the perfect prep checklist, laying out the essentials for your assessment.

Maintain Your Cyber Cleanliness

Digital hygiene is as essential as your morning brush and rinse. From erecting firewalls to timely updates, it’s all about fostering a cybersecurity culture across your team.

Mapping Your Cyber Route

Sketching out a comprehensive document that mirrors your cyber approach is essential. It not only proves your readiness but also underlines your dedication to digital safety. Some areas to cover include:

Stumped by any of the terms? It’s a sign to call in the experts. Pre-assessment can also help flag any cyber gaps before the official review.

Navigating the Cyber Essentials terrain may seem daunting at first glance but with Crosstek by your side, you can confidently get Cyber Essentials under your belt. Get in touch with Jon and let’s start on a plan today!