What are Passkeys and How Do They Work?

Passkeys are the next big thing in online security. They are being introduced as a safer and more secure alternative to passwords. A passkey is a unique identifier that is created and stored on a secure device, such as a smartwatch or smartphone. This unique identifier verifies the user’s identity and allows them to access their online accounts and services.

How Passkeys Work

How Business Owners and Managers Can Benefit from Passkeys

As a business owner or manager, you can benefit from the security and convenience of passkeys. Passkeys eliminate the need for multiple passwords, reducing the risk of password fatigue and password reuse. They also reduce the risk of security breaches caused by weak passwords and unauthorised access to sensitive information.

How Business Owners and Managers Can Prepare for Passkey Implementation

In conclusion, the future of online security is passkeys and it’s time for businesses to start preparing for the shift from passwords to passkeys. Apple, Google, and Microsoft are all committed to supporting passkeys and incorporating them into their products. By familiarising yourself with the technology, educating your team, and encouraging the adoption of secure devices, you can ensure your business stays ahead of the curve and stays secure online.

For more information on passkeys and how they can benefit your business, check out the Learning Hub or contact us for more information.